Kicking into high gear for the 2015 edition
April 28, 2015Hey everyone!
It’s been a while since you heard from us hasn’t it? It’s about time we changed that.
Call for proposals
We opened the call for proposals without much fanfare and have already received 22 awesome submissions as I write this. If you haven’t already done so I’d like to urge you to have a look at our CFP page and consider submitting a talk of your own.
The process will be very similar to last year’s. The proposals will be selected anonymously by a team of people to avoid personal bias. We welcome both experienced and new speakers as we have each year. Speakers that require feedback or help with specific questions or problems can turn to us for help - we’ll find an experienced mentor to guide you through it.
As an added note: some of our attendees expressed the desire to see more technical talks. We’ll try to reflect this in our selection procedure as well. Don’t hold back to submit talks on highly technical topics!
An expanded team
The last 3 editions were run by Joren and myself (Hannes) but as you might imagine organizing a conference is a ton of work. In order to alleviate the pressure a little and to bring a breeze of fresh air into the conference we’ve asked a few people we highly respect to help out.
The team behind the next edition now consists of Oana Sipos, Floor Drees, Yannick Schutz and Christophe Philemotte as well as Joren and myself. It feels great to be able to bounce ideas off of each other and I feel like it already paid off!
We are all looking forward to meeting you in Ghent!