ArrrrCamp October 1st & 2nd, 2015

ArrrrCamp 2015 diversity program

Arrrr mateys,

The fantastic people of eurucamp and Ruby Berlin e.V. have offered to sponsor a number of tickets, along with Twilio and PullReview. In total we are offering up to 12 free tickets as part of a diversity program aimed to help underrepresented groups in tech to attend and lowering the barriers for them. This includes but isn’t limited to: women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, and disabled people.

Because the event is next week already we urge you to fill in the form below as soon as possible. Our jury will start picking the winners of the tickets by the end of the week so that there is still some time left for people to arrange travel and accommodation.

Terms & Condition

Your privacy, details and answers remain protected. The jury will decide based on your answers and never share any data with anyone. This application is for one conference ticket only. The ticket includes admission to the conference itself, catering for the day of the conference, and admission to the events organised for the conference attendees, speakers, and staff. All attendees, speakers, sponsors and staff at Arrrrcamp 2015 are required to agree with the Code of Conduct of the event. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event.

You can find the code of conduct here:

How to apply

Simply head over to the application form and submit it. We will be in touch as soon as we can to let you know if you will be given a ticket!

Special word of thanks

We’d like to thank eurucamp, Ruby Berlin e.V., Twilio and PullReview for offering these tickets but there is one more organisation I would like to thank.

The Travis Foundation has been helping us set this up and organize the whole process. On top of that they’ve given us some tips on how to make the conference even more welcoming for everyone that wants to attend. Check out their site to learn more about what they do to make an even better open source community!

Hope to see you soon!

The Captain and crew